• Corporate SEO services for procuring top inquiry rankings

    Google My Business postings contain key data about organizations and they show up when individuals search organizations close to them. In the event that you need your business to show up in Google's Corporate SEO Service, at the highest point of results,

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  • How To Solve Ad Serving Limit On AdSense - Google Ad Limit Solution 2021

    Google has recently introduced this algorithm. Before that, whenever there was a policy violation or a traffic issue on a website, Google would disable the AdSense account for that website.

  • Best Life Insurance 2021

    Before we explore further, we at least know what Health Insurance is.? By definition, citing Investopedia (2019), health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical, surgical, or related health care costs as stated in the insurance policy. Insurance companies that issue health insurance policies can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred due to illness or injury, or pay medical expenses directly.

Get to know the terms in Google Pagespeed Insight

There are various tools that can help you check the speed of a website or blog. Some of the tools that can be used are Pingdom, Geek Flare, GTMetrix, WebPageTest, and Google PageSpeed Insight. But here I am more focused on Google PageSpeed Insight.

Google PageSpeed Insight is a free tool that provides the most accurate reports of all. In addition, Google PageSpeed Insight is a tool officially released by Google so that the assessment indicators used are in accordance with Google standards.

With Google PageSpeed Insight you can measure the quality performance of your website or blog on a desktop or mobile device, and Google PageSpeed Insight also includes suggestions on how to make your website or blog look more optimal.

It is important for all of us to know how good the quality of the web we have, one indicator of course is the speed and convenience of using it. So that in the end, you will be able to get extraordinary benefits.

Google will rate the loading speed of your website using a percent scale. A value of 0 to 49 percent indicates that your website is slow. A score of 50 to 89 percent indicates that your website speed is reaching average. Finally, a score of 90 to 100 percent means your website is fast. And here's a glimpse of some information that you can understand.

1. First Contentful Paint

First Contentful Paint is the time where the first image or text appears.

2. Speed Index

Speed Index is how quickly the content of the page is clearly visible. The lower the value, the better.

3. Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint is the time it takes for a website or blog to present main content and is ready to interact.

4. Time to Interactive

Time to Interactive is the first time that a page is considered fully interactive.

5. Total Blocking Time

Total Blocking Time Is the sum of all time periods between First Contentful Paint FCP and Time to Interactive, when the task duration exceeds 50 milliseconds.

6. Cumulative Layout Shift

Cumulative Layout Shift is the shift icon or button on the website that is visible on the entire screen of the website visitor.


Corporate SEO services for procuring top inquiry rankings

Google My Business streamlining

• Google My Business postings contain key data about organizations and they show up when individuals search organizations close to them. In the event that you need your business to show up in Google's Corporate SEO Service, at the highest point of results, you need to guarantee and upgrade your Google My Business posting. You'll likewise need to keep your business name, address, and telephone number data predictable across your online postings to improve your odds of acquiring the best position in outcomes.

    Portable responsive plan

• The last Local SEO administration you'll need to put resources into is making your site versatile responsive.

• The greater part of online hunts almost 60% happen from cell phones. In many cases, searchers need data while in a hurry, particularly with regards to discovering Local organizations.

    Local reference building

• Notwithstanding guaranteeing your Google My Business posting, you'll likewise need to assemble Local references. These references contain data like your organization's name, address, telephone number, and site. Reference building efforts can assist you with acquiring Local postings on locales like Bing, Yelp, Foursquare, Facebook, Apple Maps, TripAdvisor, and that's just the beginning.

• They can assist you with beginning structure references, and local SEO administrations from organizations like Tecmyer can guarantee your references are refreshed and driving significant traffic to your site.

    External link establishment

• Procuring backlinks from other trustworthy, Local organizations can likewise assist with boosting your Local hunt rankings.

• Start by making significant substance that objectives Local watchwords identified with your business. In the event that different locales like what they see, they can connect back to your site in their own substance.

• Web crawlers like Google consider both the number and nature of backlinks when positioning destinations. This implies it's essential to have a solid backlink profile, total with joins from power organizations in the Local.

    Rating and Review Management

• For local organizations, it's critical to screen and react to online surveys.

• Appraisals and surveys can show up on your site, just as outsider locales like Google My Business, Yelp, and Facebook. Positive or negative, it's significant that you answer to all audits to show clients you pay attention to their necessities.

• Individuals take a gander at surveys prior to visiting Local organizations, so keeping your audits refreshed and reacting to questions and remarks will urge more individuals to visit your business.

    Client experience investigation

• It's likewise essential to give an extraordinary client experience (UX) on your site on the off chance that you need to draw in more local traffic.

• In the event that your site doesn't give a positive UX, guests will burn through no time hitting the back button and your ricochet rate will take off. High ricochet rates signal a helpless client experience, and web crawlers will not position your website profoundly on the off chance that it gives a not exactly attractive UX.



Find Out Why IdeaBot is the Preferred Niche Research Tool

With IdeaBot, a versatile, heavyweight niche research tool, you can get hot new business ideas with the click of a button. Get product ideas that are likely to be successful to help you launch your online company more quickly.

Simply put, it's a fantastic method for conducting market research.

IdeaBot will also provide you with article suggestions which will save you a lot of time by determining what people are asking or looking for on the internet.

IdeaBot is the tool to use if you want to find out what hot new business ideas are trending in your area or place on Google Search. You will have the opportunity to compare niche ideas and data from various countries.

The IdeaBot niche research tool is also the best place on the web to get instant, in-depth content marketing insights.

It's easy to work with. Simply type in any word or phrase you'd like to rank, and it'll show you the search volume and scores for that phrase. Note that ranking first does not guarantee top rankings; to rank first, you must first reach the top five places.

IdeaBot lets you rank by exposing you to specific SEO data such as keyword strategy, competition, competition ranking variables, and much more, all of which will help you better understand SEO and the most commonly used strategies and target areas for optimising your Google search rankings and traffic.

IdeaBot's research data were relied upon by a large number of businesses and advertisers.

By simply clicking a button, you can save months, days, and hours of your time by learning about the thousands of questions to which people are seeking answers.

IdeaBot can assist you in answering a number of questions in a wide range of topics, including:

·         Content, SEO, PPC, and other web marketing issues are discussed.

·         Ideas for monetizing your niche or website

·         Understand the rivals and how to deal with them.

·         Increase your SEO rating by receiving high search results, or find trending phrases or hot keywords for your company that receive the most CTRs.

Go ahead and explore IdeaBot.ai for more money making potential keywords and niche market ideas to boost your online business. It will definitely be a fruitful outcome that may give you the jump start you need to start and grow your online endeavors.


Know the terms on Google Adsense

 With Google Adsense, many successful bloggers earn hundreds to thousands of dollars per month. For those of you who have just been accepted as an Adsense publisher, you are usually still confused when looking at the Google Adsense Dashboard page because many Adsense terms are used, such as CTC, RPM, CTR and many other terms, here we discuss and get to know terms in google adsense.

The glossary is actually statistical information provided by Google Adsense for its publishers regarding data related to the estimation stage that you will get.

With this statistical data, it is hoped that publishers can work as well as they can from YouTube channels or blogs with advertisements installed so that publishers can optimize the revenue they earn.

The following is an explanation of the terms on Google Adsense:


1. Page View


Page View or page, is the number that shows how many times the page contains ad unit code by blog visitors, the value cannot be relied on by the number of ads we put on that page, if the ad we put on a page matches 3 ads, then the page appears 10 times, then the page impression is still 10.


2. Click


To define clicks related to the adsense ad unit is that click here means the accumulated clicks obtained by each adsense ad unit that you install on the blog.


3.RPM (Revenue Per Thousand Impressions)


RPM is the result of dividing the publisher's total revenue with the number of page impressions (per 1,000) he gets from his ads. For example, a publisher that makes $ 200 out of 50,000 impressioni will have a CPM value of $ 4 (this value is derived from the calculation of [number of stages / (impressioni / 1000)] = (200 / (50,000 / 1000) = 200/50 = 4.


4. CPC (Cost Per Click)


CPC is a term that we often hear in google adsense, CPC (Cost Per Click) is the cost offered by the advertiser (the advertiser) for each ad click, every time the adsense ad is clicked on by a visitor, the dollar we will get is a number of CPC values. for the ad. The greater the CPC value, the greater the chance we will get dollars from the ad.


5. Impression


Impressions can refer to users viewing certain pages, specific ad units, or certain advertisements.


Therefore, an 'impression' can be categorized into page views or ad impressions.


An impression is counted for every ad request that results in at least one ad on the blog, it can be the number of ad units (for content ads) or search searches (for search ads) showing ads.


6. CTR (Click Thought Ratio)


CTR is a comparison in the form of a proportion to calculate the number of clicks and the number of adsense ad units that get displayed, if the ad appears 1000 times, then the ad gets 10 clicks, then we can calculate the CTR value as follows (10/1000 x 100 %) = 1%, so if in 1000 times the ad appears, 10 times the visitor clicks the ad, it means that the CTR value for the ad is 1%.


7. Estimated Income


Estimated Earning is an estimate of the stage obtained from the adsense ad that you install, the estimated value of earning is the product of the number of clicks and the CPC, the greater the CPC value, the bigger the estimated income you will get, then the more number of ad clicks. will increase the income you get too.

Best Life Insurance 2021

Before we explore further, we at least know what Health Insurance is.? By definition, citing Investopedia (2019), health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical, surgical, or related health care costs as stated in the insurance policy. Insurance companies that issue health insurance policies can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred due to illness or injury, or pay medical expenses directly.

To get Health Insurance protection or benefits, every customer or Health Insurance policy holder is required to pay health insurance premiums regularly. Usually insurance companies provide insurance packages for their employees as a form of protection guarantee. Premium payments vary, some are paid by the company, some are deducted from the employer but are often also deducted from the employee's salary. The cost of health insurance premiums is deductible to the payer, and the benefits received are tax exempt.


The amount of the Health Insurance premium varies, the value is adjusted to the insured's health condition, the level of risk, benefits and other provisions of the insurance company concerned.


Unlike BPJS Kesehatan, private insurance has several advantages that BPJS Kesehatan does not have, such as being superior in terms of speed, convenience and flexibility in choosing a hospital. Treatment in all hospitals is basically accepted by insurance, both cashless and non-cooperative (reimbursement).


Before choosing an insurance company, you should understand all the systems or rules made by the insurance company. Here I present a little information about some of the best life insurance companies today. As a consideration before choosing to use a life insurance company


1. AIA

One of the best AIA pure life insurance policies that can be considered is AIA Critical Protection. Because it not only provides death benefits, but also covers the cost of treatment for the risk of critical illness up to the age of 99 years. Customers are also free to choose the premium payment period, between 10-20 years with the benefit of a loyalty bonus at the end of the insurance period, meaning that a fraction of the premium will be returned at the end of the insurance period.


2. Prudential

One of Prudential's best life insurance policy choices is the New Generation PRULink, which is available in conventional and sharia forms. Prudential's life insurance policy is classified as unit-linked insurance. This means that customers can get the benefit of the death coverage and the cash value of the investment at once. If unit-linked insurance premiums are generally expensive, it is different from the New Generation PRULink which can be obtained with premiums ranging from IDR 400 thousand per month.


The advantages of this insurance are that there are conventional and sharia policy options, the premium is fully paid for insurance benefits, so it is not divided by investment, as well as an additional 5% investment allocation after the first 10 years, but the drawback is that the minimum sum insured is not too large, starting at IDR 200 million.


3. Sequis Life

Those looking for micro life insurance can consider the Sequis Sejahtera Micro Insurance policy. This type of micro insurance from Sequis Life offers death coverage + surgical coverage at the same time. The advantages of micro insurance are in its friendly premiums. Therefore, this type of insurance is perfect for prospective customers who have a limited budget.


The premium is cheap and provides surgery benefits as well as its advantages, however, the disadvantage is that the sum insured is not high or proportional to the premium paid.


4. Menulife

One of the best products from Manulife is Santunan Jiwa Protection, which is insurance that provides death coverage up to Rp. 300 million. Customers will also get a 100 percent premium refund at the end of the policy. However, this insurance company only covers the customer's age up to 65 years.


5. Allianz

Another policy that can be considered is from Allianz, namely SmartLink NewFlexi Account. This policy provides protection up to 100 years of age and benefits from the cash value of investing at once. In addition, customers can also add various riders or additional benefits ranging from critical illness coverage to premium exemption. However, by adding a Rider, the customer will be charged an additional premium.


6. AXA Mandiri

AXA Mandiri Secure Plan is one of the best pure life insurance policies from AXA Mandiri. The reason is that this policy offers protection for 10 years and provides a return benefit of 110 percent premiums if there are no claims. In addition, customers only need to pay premiums for the first 5 years for the 10-year protection benefit.


7. Cigna

Cigna Family Eazilife is one of Cigna's flagship products because it can cover seven family members in one policy with a refund of premiums at the end of the insurance period. In addition, customers can also get a sum insured of up to IDR 500 million with a protection period of 10 years. In addition to providing death benefits, this policy from Cigna also covers the risk of critical illness. However, the sum insured is still less competitive or not too large


8. Sunlife

One of the attractive policies from Sun Life is the Sun Safety Like Insurance because apart from providing life protection, this product also carries the risk of critical illness with a premium return of up to 50 percent. These benefits can be obtained only by setting aside premiums starting from IDR 248 thousand per month. The range of coverage given is also quite large, starting from IDR 200 million to IDR IDR 1 billion, however, the policy can only be extended until the customer is 75 years old.


9. Simas Soul

Simas Jiwa Insurance also comes with its flagship policy, namely Siji Guard. This policy covers the customer up to 69 years of age. The sum insured will be given if the customer dies due to illness or accident. The policy also covers the cost of hospital treatment due to accidents. However, the Policy can only be extended until the customer is 69 years old.


10. BCA Life

The next best life insurance recommendation in Indonesia is from BCA Life. Through the BCA Life Protection Guard policy, which provides a sum insured of up to Rp1 billion and a 50 percent premium return benefit at the end of the policy period. The sum insured is given if the customer is at risk of death either due to illness or accident. However, the Policy can only be extended until the customer is 59 years old.


18 Ways To Increase Blog Visitors

To create a blog with high traffic is not easy but it is also not difficult if you understand the ways to make your blog have high traffic and the following are some ways to increase blog traffic quickly. There are many more ways that can be done but this time. I want to share a little ways I increase traffic that I know.

Here's how:

1.     Active in Google+ Community

Compared to other social media, it has fewer people, but the content is cleaner than spam and the people are more enthusiastic.


2.     Find relevant forums, and be active as a member

From the forums you can get direct backlinks (although nofollow), and you can build relationships with other members.


3.     Sharing with others.

Sharing or sharing with others is basic. Often talk and share your blogging experience from the simplest is your closest friend.


4.     Active on a question and answer site

You don't have to be too active on question and answer sites. If there really is a question that can be answered directly with your content, just provide the link along with a brief explanation.


5.     Connect with other bloggers

The following ways to develop blogs faster. Namely building relationships with other bloggers, the term influencer.


6.     Apply proactive SEO techniques to improve rankings

If your friend is happy with the article that you are presenting, he will automatically promote your blog to other friends who you do not necessarily know. And continue to other people until the general public.


7.     Share your featured content with influencers

Make sure your blogger friends know about the content that you upload.


8.     Through Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking sites are very often used by bloggers for SEO optimization. This site is also used by netizens or netizens to store website addresses that they like because of someone's quality to be seen at a later date if necessary.

This social bookmarking site also gets a lot of traffic from search engines or searchers in the hope that if we all submit our blogs to this site then hopefully there are netters who like and save us on their blog or website list. And if there are many who save, the traffic on the blog will increase even though slowly.


9.     Change the title format so that it is attractive to click

When content is shared, or appears in Google search results, only the title is visible. So whether someone will click or not depends on whether the title of the content is interesting or not.


10.steal traffic from hot news

This method is quite effective because many people are interested in the news that is currently being discussed.


11.Use at least 1 image to increase clicks

People on social media prefer to see pictures rather than see text, so try to make the content you create have images.


12.Through Social Media

Lots of social media that have developed today, for example, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google Plus, and many more. After all, now smartphones or gadgets have developed everywhere so finding info is easier for someone today through social media that they often use.


13.Optimization of articles for search engines

Article optimization to make it SEO-friendly is not difficult, but it is often made difficult by many bloggers who are new to SEO.


14.Guest Posting on Other People's Blogs.

Guest posting or the cool term is joking, meaning that other people are also one of the quick ways to increase visitor traffic on your blog. How, it's easy, but you have to try a bit so that visitors on your blog or website increase and increase, here's how

You only need to create an article or several by inserting a few URLs of your blog or website all in this way automatically if the articles you make on a more well-known blog we hope will make people come to our blog so that visitor traffic on your blog can increase and increase. Lots.


15.Always choose keywords with high search volume

When you choose keywords that are sought after, your article has many opportunities to be clicked on.


16.Do link building

In an effort to get visitors from search engines, backlinks are the key.


17.Classified Ads.

Placing classified ads is also an effective way to increase visitor traffic. Lots of classified advertising services that you can use, from free to paid. But I recommend using paid advertising to make it more effective.

A few short information on how to increase blog traffic. Hopefully after you read, your blog or website traffic will also increase and the average visitor rate is at least constant.


18.Active in Several Forums.

Forums are also very useful for adding more visitors to your blog. Discussion forum sites are very often used by internet marketers to increase traffic. My friends also try to discuss on several forum sites so that your website visitor traffic increases.

Some of the sites I recommend are such as bersocial.com ,usaha.co, Forum.kompas.com, kaskus.co.id. And there are many more, but still maintain your ethics when discussing in discussion forums so that the traffic of your blog visitors increases.


Maybe that's all that can share this time .. thank you for visiting and hopefully useful.


Tips to Register Google Adsense quickly accepted in 2021

You can get additional income easily via the internet. One of them is by creating Google AdSense. You may have read, heard, or seen a Blogger or YouTuber with stages even tens of millions thanks to AdSense. It is true. You can also get the same stage using Google AdSense.

Well, here are some tips so that the Google Adsense List is accepted quickly:

1. Age over 18 years or already have an identity card

Google AdSense only accepts new publishers who are over 18 years old. So if you are not old enough, the solution can be to use data from the names of siblings, siblings or parents who have met. This will later be associated with the account and sending the AdSense account pin code for activation. For payment problems so far there are no problems, you can enter another bank account, it doesn't have to match the identity of the AdSense account.

2. Pay attention to the age of your website or blog

The age of the website also needs to be considered, don't rush to register a new AdSense account. You must wait at least 1 month before being registered with AdSense. But there are those who suggest that after 6 months it is ideal to register for AdSense and the chances of being received are greater.

3. Make sure you only have 1 Adsense account

The policies of Google AdSense for each AdSense publisher can only have one AdSense account. From one AdSense account you can add multiple websites to install AdSense ads. The solution is for those who wish to have an account in more than one way by borrowing the identity of a brother, sister or parent. If you get caught, your AdSense account will usually be banned directly from Google because it is considered to violate the rules.

4. Use a lightweight template

The template is an important point of the appearance of a blog, where it will be one of the attractions to visitors. And I suggest, look for a template that is really good, simple, not heavy when loading and easy to navigate by visitors.

5. Create an About, Contact and Privacy Policy page

If you want to be accepted by AdSense, you must include the About, Contact, and Privacy Police page on your website or blog. these rules have also been stated in Google AdSense policies.

6. Ensure Easy & Clear Navigation

Navigation is an important part of the website. Navigation really determines visitor comfort. The easier and clearer the navigation of a website or blog, the better the user experience it will provide. Navigation can also be a major factor for users when interacting with your website. There are at least three things you need to consider regarding navigation, namely readability, organization, and function.

7. Create Interesting and Unique Content

No matter how good the website looks, if it doesn't have unique and interesting content, it's difficult to generate traffic. You can bring in loyal visitors using original and quality content. If visitors already like the content that you have created, they will usually tell or suggest your website when other people are looking for information related to the website. Of course this will help to continue to develop your content and website.

8. Already Have 10-15 Active Articles

One other important thing is the existence of articles or active content on the blog. At least 10-15 articles. The articles that you add on the website will become a Google Identity to classify the type of content that is suitable for your website or blog. In addition, quality articles will certainly be a positive indicator for Google to assess your website or blog.

9. Make sure a minimum of 100 visitors each day

Your website or blog must have at least 100 active visitors every day. However, this figure is still tentative. Even if you only have less than 100 active visitors every day, it could be that Google approves the AdSense account activation request that you submit.

10. Only Use Google AdSense Only

There are several advertising services besides Google AdSense. However, it would be best not to use anything else before AdSense has approved your account activation request.

11. Make regular posts during the review period

The last tip for registering for Google AdSense is to post articles every day during the AdSense review period. This method is proven to be effective and can easily be accepted by AdSense. Posting regularly shows that your website is worthy of working with the AdSense program. In addition there are other benefits about the importance of posting articles every day, one of which is the ranking of your website or blog to increase.



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