How To Solve Ad Serving Limit On AdSense - Google Ad Limit Solution 2021


What Is The Ad Serving Limit?

Google has recently introduced this algorithm. Before that, whenever there was a policy violation or a traffic issue on a website, Google would disable the AdSense account for that website.

As a result, Google has disabled many AdSense accounts which affected its advertising network and publishers, Also, people who run Google ads on their websites were unhappy with Google’s behavior.

So Google changed its algorithm and now if there is a policy violation or traffic violation on any website then Google does not disable the AdSense account but stops showing ads on a particular website and whenever that website fixes these violation issues, then ads re-appear.

Why Google Apply Ad Serving Limits

There can be many reasons for this, but the most common reason being is that website traffic. Google asks and refers for organic traffic, But in the beginning, everyone gets traffic from social media (Facebook, Pinterest) and it is difficult to get organic traffic.

But Google asks for organic traffic and if there is no organic traffic to a website, Google imposes an ad serving limit on that website. This is the biggest reason for getting an ad serving limit and that’s why my website got an ad limit.

When I reviewed my website analytics, 80% of the traffic to my website was coming from social media, and Google is worried that the website has more social media traffic than organic traffic, which is why it is putting ad limits on my website and other websites.

Why Google Apply Ad Serving Limits

There can be many reasons for this, but the most common reason being is that website traffic. Google asks and refers for organic traffic, But in the beginning, everyone gets traffic from social media (Facebook, Pinterest) and it is difficult to get organic traffic.

But Google asks for organic traffic and if there is no organic traffic to a website, Google imposes an ad serving limit on that website. This is the biggest reason for getting an ad serving limit and that’s why my website got an ad limit.

When I reviewed my website analytics, 80% of the traffic to my website was coming from social media, and Google is worried that the website has more social media traffic than organic traffic, which is why it is putting ad limits on my website and other websites.

What’s Google Say About Ad Serving Limit?

Google says they are working hard to ensure an ads ecosystem that protects advertisers, publishers, and users from fraud and bad ad experiences.

By following these rules, some AdSense accounts may have a temporary limit placed on the number of ads, they can show while google gets to know the publisher and assess their traffic quality. A temporary ad serving limit has been placed on your account.

Google clearly mentions traffic quality, So we can understand that this problem is due to low traffic or non-quality traffic means social media traffic.

How To Remove Ad Serving Limit?

So if you also get Ad limit on your website, don’t worry because it’s not a major issue because your account is still saved and not disabled, there is only an ad limit that can be solved.

Here are short steps to solve this problem:

1.     Remove Google Ad Code From Theme Header.php

2.     Disable Ad plugin And Remove All Ads Which You Have Implement Manual

3.     Delete Ads.txt File From File Manager

4.     Turn Off Auto Ads And Archive All Ad Units


What To Do After The Ad Limit Is Removed

After removing the ad serving limit, first of all, do these steps.

1.     Add Google AdSense Code into Theme Header.php

2.     Upload Ads.txt File Into Your Domain Root Directory.

3.     Turn On Auto Ads (Only Anchor Ads & Vignette Ads)

4.     Implement Minimum Ads As Possible


Turn off In-Page ads, because if you use in-page ads your website will show a lot of ads which may limit your AdSense again. Therefore, try to apply as few ads as possible in the early days, so that the ad limit does not appear again.

  • In-page ads = Turn Off
  • Matched content = Turn Off
  • Anchor ads = Turn On
  • Vignetter ads = Turn On


How To Prevent Google Ad Limits?

As far as we know everything about why Google Ad Limit seems and how to solve it. But the question is raised how we can save ourselves from this problem.

Here I will share with you some tips that can help you get rid of this problem.

First of all, we need to increase the organic traffic to our website because this is a major reason for the ad serving limit.

1. You need to write a quality and SEO optimized article. I have already written a detailed article on it which you can read by clicking on this link.

2. Try to find low competition keywords and write a unique and SEO optimized on these keywords. This method will increase your ranking on Google Search Engine Pages (SERP). You can find unlimited low competition keywords by following our guide.

3. Create Backlinks for your posts because it will also increase the ranking of your website and you will also get a lot of traffic which will keep you safe from ad limits and also earn a lot of money. I have already shared an article with 900+ quality backlink websites that offer Do-follow backlinks with instant approval.

4. Use smart tricks to increase your website traffic. I have written these tricks in my separate post. You can follow them by clicking on this link.

5. SEO is a very important factor for every website. If you do proper SEO of your website it will increase your website ranking and also increase website traffic and authority.  that will help you to increase your SEO score.

6. Increase your website loading speed because if your website loads less than 3 seconds it will increase your website bounce rate and create a bad user experience. Because today’s era is very advanced, if your website does not load quickly, the user will leave your website, which will reduce the ranking of the website and increase the bounce rate. So to solve this problem, always use CDN. For free CDN services link your website with Cloudflare on which I have written a detailed article.

7. Add your website on Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster. If your posts do not index quickly on Google you can follow this instruction to solve all indexing problems. This will allow your website to be immediately indexed by Google, which will increase its chances of ranking.

So, By following these tips you can increase the authority, ranking, and traffic of your website. Plus, you’ll be getting rid of the AdSense ad serving limit.

If you don’t understand any point or want to ask something, you can ask in the comment box. I will try to solve your problem.


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