How To Increase Website Traffic, Quick-Fire Traffic Tips For 2021

Are you worried about website traffic? Is there no traffic to your website at all? Is your website earning zero due to lack of traffic?

If your answer is “YES” then this is a very special article for you because in this article I will share with you “How To Increase Website Traffic With Quick Tips“, So read this article carefully and I am sure it will help you a lot.

1.     Tip number 1 is to give away a free ebook and make it shareable. So encourage those who actually download the ebook to also share it with their friends and of course make sure that what’s included on your ebook is a link to your website to social media profiles.

2.     Tip Number Two is to make sure you use an email signature. So every time you respond to a customer prospect or a lead your email signature is always at the bottom of your response.

3.     Tip Number Three is to start a YouTube channel. The reason why is because YouTube’s the second largest search engine in the world. People go on there to search how to do things or whatever get entertained.

The important thing with this tip is to make sure your videos are searchable, and also optimize your title description and tags with the keywords that people actually are searching on YouTube.

You can get a lot of website traffic with the help of YouTube channel. Make a YouTube video on content that you share on your website because nowadays people prefer to search on YouTube instead of Google.

Because people can easily understand by watching videos instead of reading long articles. So if you want to bring millions of traffic to your website, make sure you create your own YouTube channel.

4.     Tips Number Four is to start an email list or build an email subscriber base the reason why is because you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket and build all your audience or your followers on, Let’s say Instagram because if one day something happens to your Instagram account there goes your business with an email list you have complete control.


5.     Tip Number Five is to repurpose your existing content and then post it on other social media platforms. Making sure that each of those pieces of content are native and in the right format and the right dimensions for that specific social media platform.

This is called leverage So that you don’t need to create new content for each individual social media platform. You also learn more about How You Can Write SEO Optimized Content To Rank Fastly.


6.     Tip Number Six is to make sure you fill all of your social media buyers with your call to action wherever you want your audience to go


7.     Tip Number Seven is to join and engage in related Facebook Groups for this tip you don’t want to spam these Facebook Groups but you want to actually engage share some value and then that will kind of build your rapport your credibility and your authority in your field with some Facebook Group.

You can also promote your links on specific days. So let’s say promotional Fridays or whatever it is for that specific Facebook Group.


8.     Next traffic tip is to host a free webinar. You can use tools such as Zoom Webinar or Easy Webinar to do. So with your webinar you want to share a Free 60 to 90 minute training, no obligations and no catches.

This builds your credibility, authority, and expertise in your field. So then you’ll be the trusted source in your industry.


9.     Tip Number Nine is to start an affiliate program and get partners on board to promote your product or courses. You do require your own product first before you actually start recruiting affiliates and partners to promote your product and offer them a commission for any sales they make. But this is a great way to generate traffic outside of your own circle.


10.                       Tip Number Ten is to do collaborations. You can do collaborations on Instagram, or on YouTube and even guest posts on other people’s blogs. If you’re liking this so far be sure to hit that like button and let’s continue.

11.                       Tip Number Eleven is to do giveaways and competitions do this on the social media platform. All platforms that you are on and making sure to encourage those who enter the competition to mention your handle and also tagging so and so amount of friends.

12.                       Tip Number Twelve is to do SEO or in other words Search Engine Optimization. Now of course you do need your own website or blog and what you want to do is to optimize those pages and your main website for search engines.

By optimizing your site for search engines you’ll be able to attract organic traffic from google and other search engines. You can also read more about


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