Quickly Index Blog Post With Google Site Kit WordPress Plugin 2021

 Today, this is a very special article for beginners who have recently started their blogging career, and they much worried because their blog posts not indexing in Google Search Console and they don’t even know why this happening. You can also read How To Add Website in Google Webmaster & Bing Webmaster in a proper way.

So, in this article, I will tell you What is Google Site Kit and Why we need Google Site Kit WordPress Plugin, and How to install and setup Google Site Kit WordPress Plugin in our blog.

If you want to start your own earning WordPress Blog from scratch, Here are our 12 easy steps guide to making your own WordPress blog from A To Z.


What Is Google Site Kit?

Google Site Kit is the official WordPress plugin by Google for insights about your websites and how people find and use your website”.

Google Site Kit is the one-stop solution for developers to deploy, manage, and get insights from critical Google tools to make the website/blog successful on the web.

Google Site Kit provides authoritative and up-to-date insights from multiple Google products directly on the WordPress admin dashboard for easy access, all for free.

Why We Need Google Site Kit?

Google Site Kit is very important for WordPress Website because it connects our website directly with Google Search ConsoleAnalytics, Page Speed Insight, and Google Adsense.

suppose you have created a new website and publish some content on it but your posts are not indexing in Google Search Pages.

You know Why?

Because millions and millions of postings are shared on the internet every day, from new, old, high authority, and popular websites and Google is well aware of websites that have very good authority, But Google doesn’t know your site, which is brand new.

So in that case we have to tell Google that one of these milions of website, our website exists

To do this we need to install the Google Site Kit on our website and then connect it to our Google Search Console, Then our website will become a part of the Google search console and get the attention of the Google webmaster.

Before that, whenever a new user published a post on their website, they would go to Google Search Console and send a request to Google Crawler to index their post through the Google link inspection tool.

But recently Google Webmaster disable this option and anyone can’t send URL index requests to Google Crawler.

Since this option has been disabled, it has become a big hassle for new users but now I am here to help you and in this tutorial, I will tell you a complete setup of Google Site Kit and I’m sure after setting up Google Site Kit your worries will be gone forever and all your posts, new or old, will be indexed in Google Search Console.

Benefits Of Google Site Kit

Google includes their 4 tools into one place and that is Google Site Kit.

1. Search Console

Through this tool, We link our website to the Google Search Console, and Google Webmaster is familiar with our website and monitors every activity on our website.

The biggest advantage of this is that whenever we add any new page or post on our website, Google will get its instructions and it will index that page or post in Google very soon.

According to my website, whenever I put a post on my website, it gets indexed in Google search within a maximum of Ten Minutes and I don’t have to do anything for it. All this work is done automatically by Google Site Kit WordPress Plugin.

2. Analytics

In this tool, you can also link your website analytics account which will help you to see all the information about your website traffic in the website dashboard.

3. PageSpeed Insight

With the help of this tool, you can track your website speed in real-time without doing anything. This tool tells you about the speed and performance of the website in the WordPress dashboard.

So now you don’t need to check your website speed manually. Just open Google Site Kit in your website dashboard and scroll down the page, you can see your website speed detail here.

4. Adsense

If you have place google ads on your website then this is a helpful tool for you because this tool shows us our income detail on the WordPress dashboard.

Now, you no longer need to log in to your AdSense account to view your website earnings. You can view all your earnings information with this tool.

Basically, this tool is more useful when you want to run auto ads on your website. It helps to show ads accordingly by analyzing your website and looking at the behavior of the users which will increase your revenue.

How To Install And Setup Google Site Kit WordPress Plugin

There are a few easy steps to Install and set up Google Site Kit WordPress Plugin on your website.

1.     Open WordPress Dashboard

2.     Go over the Plugin menu from the left navigation bar

3.     Click Add New

4.     Type Google Site Kit on Plugin search bar

5.     Click Install

6.     Click Activate

7.     Click on Sign In With Google

8.     Again click on Sign In With Google

9.     Choose or Sign in to Your Gmail Account

10.                       Click Allow Button

11.                       Again click Allow Button

12.                       Click Go To My DashBoard

13.                       Done!

These were all the quick steps, now I will explain them to you in detail by attaching a screenshot.

1. Open your WordPress website dashboard and go over hover the Plugin on the left navigation panel and click on Add New.


2. Now type “Google Site Kit” on the search bar and click on the install button and after the installation click on the Active button.

3. Now click on the Sign In With Google, which will appear after Google Site Kit activation.

4. Now click again Sign In With Google on the next page.

5. Now site kit ask for access permission, now click on the Allow button to grant access.

6. After verify the Gmail id, it asks again for permission to access website data, click the Allow button to proceed.

7. Congratulations! We have successfully setup and connect our website with Google Site Kit. Now click on Go to my dashboard button for the final step.

8. Finally, we have successfully connected our website with Google Site Kit with Google Search Console.

Now hover over the Site Kit on the left navigation bar and click on settings and connect your google account with all site kit tools like “Analytics”, “PageSpeed Insight”, “Google Adsense”, “Google Optimize”. and “Google Tags Manager”.

After that some time we will receive data information from our website like “Search Results and Traffics”, “Analytics”, and “Adsense Earning” etc.

So, this is a tutorial for beginners and I want to tell every beginner blogger you must install Google Site Kit on your website because it has lots of benefits for SEO and SERP.

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