SEO Optimization Tips To Write SEO Friendly Article And Ranked No.1 In Google

  Do you know “How To Write SEO Optimized and SEO Friendly article for your blog? Don’t worry if the word “NO” is on your mind because I’m going to tell you authentic SEO Optimization Tips to write SEO and user-friendly article.

I will explain in depth why it’s necessary to write an SEO optimized and SEO/User-friendly article. In addition, I will tell you that “How works SEO And Content Marketing Companies” and How They Perform Google Search Optimisation For Their Client Website to make it easy to find through Google Keyword Search.

After writing a good article with proper headings, quality content and images, short paragraphs, but still your article does not appear on top 10 in the Google Search Engine Page Result.

What could be worse news for a blogger than that? So to turn this bad news into good news, you need to write an SEO friendly article.

If you don’t know how to do this, Don’t worry, you will find all the information in this article.

So let’s start without wasting time and before I start, I would like to say that read all the points in this article carefully, so that you will not face any problem later.

How To Write SEO Friendly Content
Every blogger likes more traffic to their blog, but they fail to get more traffic due to some mistakes, and the biggest mistake is that they don’t write SEO friendly articles.

If you want to get more traffic then you have to write an SEO friendly article. SEO means Search Engine Optimization.

If you are properly writing SEO-friendly content, this means that you are telling Google Webmaster on what topic your article has been written on, and in this case, your article will be rank on the top 10 of Google search page, and you will definitely get more traffic on your blog.

So, To write properly SEO friendly article, follow the below given tips.

1.     Think Before Write A Post!
Before you start writing a post, think carefully about it What are you trying to write and What do you want to tell your viewers or which central question do you want to answer?

What is the purpose of your article writing? And what do you want your viewers to do at the end of the post? Write the answers to these questions before you begin and deeply think about the search intent someone may have.

1.     Keyword Research
Keywords research is the foundation of SEO friendly and optimized articles. If you are not doing the proper keyword research then you are doing a big mistake and you will never be able to rank your article.

Now if the first question in your mind is, what are these keywords?

There is not difficult like Chemistry formula’s. Whatever Phrase and Sentence you search on Google or other search engines, that is your keywords.

For Example, You search on google “Earn Money Online With Blogging”. This is your keyword right now.

The next question is, which keywords would be better for your blog to get more traffic. For this purpose, you have to use “Google Keyword Planner“ Tool.

Because with the help of this tool, we can check how much search volume and CPC of whose keyword.

Always choose keywords that have a low search volume because they rank quickly in Google instead of high search volume keywords.

Always choose keywords that have a low search volume because they rank quickly in Google instead of high search volume keywords

Difference Between Short Tail Keyword And Long Tail Keywords.

Let’s explain to you what are the long tail keywords and what are the short tail keywords.

“How to Start a WordPress Blog and Make Money From It.” This is your long tail keyword.

But if you write “Start a WordPress Blog“. So, this is a short tail keyword.

I suggest you, try to use long tail keywords because, If you use the Long Tail keywords, then short tail keywords will automatically rank.

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