How To Find Low Competition Keywords With High Traffic 2021

How To Find Low Competition Keywords, this is a question that is like digging a mountain for new bloggers and this question is always a headache for them, because they don’t know “how to find low competition words“.

So, I am here to help you and tell you the techniques that will help you to easily find low competition words with high traffic.

In the beginning, If you get a strong grip on keyword researching, the time will come soon when your blog will be added to the list of popular bloggers.

So if you want to become a professional blogger, you have to focus on the keyword research with high priority in the beginning and if you strengthen your grip on keyword research, you will become a successful blogger and it will be very difficult for anyone to defeat you.

So let’s get started, and let me tell you how you can easily find keywords and How to find low competition keywords with high traffic and How to find profitable keywords with low competition.

What are Keywords?​

Keywords are an ideas and topics that define what your website content is about.

As per SEO terms, they are the words and phrases that internet searchers enter into search engines, it also called “search queries.”

If you are website owner and content creator, you need the keywords on your posts and pages to be relevant to what users are searching for, so they have a better chance of finding your website content, posts and pages among the results.

Suppose you have a website about Mobile Phones: you sell all sorts and types of Mobile Phones.

Your blog about what to look at when buying a Mobile Phone and you share reviews about the mobile phones you offer on your online shop.


Why are keywords important?​​

One of the important things Google looks at when ranking a page is the content on that website page’s. Google looks at the words on the website page.

Now imagine this, if every word on a blog post about a Samsung Mobile is used 2 times, then all words are of equal importance. Google will have no clue which of these words are important and which are not.

The words you are using in content are clues for Google, it instructs Google and other search engines what the page or post is about.

So if you want to make Google and other search engines to understand what your page and post is about, you need to use it fairly often.

Keywords are very important because your website can show-up when people type related keywords into search engines.

If you find the keywords with low competition and write good content on them, then your post will definitely rank in top pages  and you will get thousands of traffic every month and when the traffic is good then you will get a lot of money.


How To Find Low Competition Keywords?

Most people have some keyword ideas in their mind and they want to rank their website in Google top searched.

But it is impossible to know everything that people are looking for. That’s why it pays to do some research to find more related keyword ideas.

There are many ways to find keywords, but the easiest method is to use a keyword research tool.

Most of these keywords research tools work in the same way. You just need to enter a few broad keywords related to your niche called seed keywords, and the research tool kicks back some related keyword ideas.

For example, say that you sell mobile phones online. Your seed keywords might be “mobile,” “smart phone,” “android mobiles,” and “iPhone.”

Now the question is how we can find these keywords with low competition and easy to rank, because if we use high competition keywords we will never be able to rank our website.


There are many paid tools available on the internet to find keywords, in which “Ahref | Semrush | MOZ | Longtail Pro” are more popular, but here we will use free tools because not everyone can afford to buy paid tools.



The step is get more keywords idea related your relevant keyword. Whenever you think of writing an article, you must have some keywords in your mind related to it.

Now we will use “” to extract and get more keywords ideas related to our keywords.

For example, I am using keyword “How to find low competition keywords” here.

So, open and type your relevant keyword and click on search button.

As soon as you click on the search button, you will get many keywords ideas related to your keyword.

After finding the suggested keywords, choose some best keywords from the list whatever you like.

After selecting the best and your favourite keywords, select all of them, right click on them and copy all these keywords.


2.     SAMScoop

To do this, we will use SEMScoop Free SEO Tool. Open semscoop keyword tool and click on Import Keywords button.

Paste all selected keywords here and click on Import Keywords button. In SEMScoop you can analyse 70 keywords at a time.

New at the result you can see my selected keyword “How To Find Low Competition Keywords” has 390 average monthly searches, $5.15 CPC rate.

As per this metrics, If only 50 people out of 390 people come to our website, we can make a good income from this keyword because it’s CPC is enough high.

The biggest advantage of using SEMScoop is that it gives us an idea of how many words we can write content to reach the top pages.


According to my keyword, if I write content of 2258 or more words then my content can be ranked in the top search pages.


Now if you want to see which websites are currently ranked on on our relevant keyword, scroll down the page and you can see top ranked websites here.


3.     Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free SEO and keyword research tool developed by Neil Patel.


Open Ubersuggest and type keyword in search bar and you will get a result.


Every SEO tool provide results according to its own information and data and according to Ubersuggest, our selected keyword “How To Find Low Competition Keywords” has a 50 monthly searches with 11 SEO difficulty, 18 Paid difficulty and CPC rate is $17.20.

This is completely different from SAMScoop, but one thing to keep in mind is that we can only guess from these tools whether we can do work on our relevant keyword or not.


4.     Google keyword Planner

Let me tell you again that the results of the two tools we used above were different but Keyword Difficulty and Competition were similar of both tools.

In fact, the purpose of using these tools is to assess the keyword difficulty and competition ratio.


Basically these paid tools are used for the only to guess the difficulty and competition of keywords, but if you want to get the exact measure of search traffic and CPC then always use Google keyword Planner.

Because everyone uses Google search engine for their searches and all sources come from Google Search, So when all the sources come from Google, then Google keyword planner also tells us the correct estimate of traffic.


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