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Get to know the terms in Google Pagespeed Insight

There are various tools that can help you check the speed of a website or blog. Some of the tools that can be used are Pingdom, Geek Flare, GTMetrix, WebPageTest, and Google PageSpeed Insight. But here I am more focused on Google PageSpeed Insight.

Google PageSpeed Insight is a free tool that provides the most accurate reports of all. In addition, Google PageSpeed Insight is a tool officially released by Google so that the assessment indicators used are in accordance with Google standards.

With Google PageSpeed Insight you can measure the quality performance of your website or blog on a desktop or mobile device, and Google PageSpeed Insight also includes suggestions on how to make your website or blog look more optimal.

It is important for all of us to know how good the quality of the web we have, one indicator of course is the speed and convenience of using it. So that in the end, you will be able to get extraordinary benefits.

Google will rate the loading speed of your website using a percent scale. A value of 0 to 49 percent indicates that your website is slow. A score of 50 to 89 percent indicates that your website speed is reaching average. Finally, a score of 90 to 100 percent means your website is fast. And here's a glimpse of some information that you can understand.

1. First Contentful Paint

First Contentful Paint is the time where the first image or text appears.

2. Speed Index

Speed Index is how quickly the content of the page is clearly visible. The lower the value, the better.

3. Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint is the time it takes for a website or blog to present main content and is ready to interact.

4. Time to Interactive

Time to Interactive is the first time that a page is considered fully interactive.

5. Total Blocking Time

Total Blocking Time Is the sum of all time periods between First Contentful Paint FCP and Time to Interactive, when the task duration exceeds 50 milliseconds.

6. Cumulative Layout Shift

Cumulative Layout Shift is the shift icon or button on the website that is visible on the entire screen of the website visitor.


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