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18 Ways To Increase Blog Visitors

To create a blog with high traffic is not easy but it is also not difficult if you understand the ways to make your blog have high traffic and the following are some ways to increase blog traffic quickly. There are many more ways that can be done but this time. I want to share a little ways I increase traffic that I know.

Here's how:

1.     Active in Google+ Community

Compared to other social media, it has fewer people, but the content is cleaner than spam and the people are more enthusiastic.


2.     Find relevant forums, and be active as a member

From the forums you can get direct backlinks (although nofollow), and you can build relationships with other members.


3.     Sharing with others.

Sharing or sharing with others is basic. Often talk and share your blogging experience from the simplest is your closest friend.


4.     Active on a question and answer site

You don't have to be too active on question and answer sites. If there really is a question that can be answered directly with your content, just provide the link along with a brief explanation.


5.     Connect with other bloggers

The following ways to develop blogs faster. Namely building relationships with other bloggers, the term influencer.


6.     Apply proactive SEO techniques to improve rankings

If your friend is happy with the article that you are presenting, he will automatically promote your blog to other friends who you do not necessarily know. And continue to other people until the general public.


7.     Share your featured content with influencers

Make sure your blogger friends know about the content that you upload.


8.     Through Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking sites are very often used by bloggers for SEO optimization. This site is also used by netizens or netizens to store website addresses that they like because of someone's quality to be seen at a later date if necessary.

This social bookmarking site also gets a lot of traffic from search engines or searchers in the hope that if we all submit our blogs to this site then hopefully there are netters who like and save us on their blog or website list. And if there are many who save, the traffic on the blog will increase even though slowly.


9.     Change the title format so that it is attractive to click

When content is shared, or appears in Google search results, only the title is visible. So whether someone will click or not depends on whether the title of the content is interesting or not.


10.steal traffic from hot news

This method is quite effective because many people are interested in the news that is currently being discussed.


11.Use at least 1 image to increase clicks

People on social media prefer to see pictures rather than see text, so try to make the content you create have images.


12.Through Social Media

Lots of social media that have developed today, for example, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google Plus, and many more. After all, now smartphones or gadgets have developed everywhere so finding info is easier for someone today through social media that they often use.


13.Optimization of articles for search engines

Article optimization to make it SEO-friendly is not difficult, but it is often made difficult by many bloggers who are new to SEO.


14.Guest Posting on Other People's Blogs.

Guest posting or the cool term is joking, meaning that other people are also one of the quick ways to increase visitor traffic on your blog. How, it's easy, but you have to try a bit so that visitors on your blog or website increase and increase, here's how

You only need to create an article or several by inserting a few URLs of your blog or website all in this way automatically if the articles you make on a more well-known blog we hope will make people come to our blog so that visitor traffic on your blog can increase and increase. Lots.


15.Always choose keywords with high search volume

When you choose keywords that are sought after, your article has many opportunities to be clicked on.


16.Do link building

In an effort to get visitors from search engines, backlinks are the key.


17.Classified Ads.

Placing classified ads is also an effective way to increase visitor traffic. Lots of classified advertising services that you can use, from free to paid. But I recommend using paid advertising to make it more effective.

A few short information on how to increase blog traffic. Hopefully after you read, your blog or website traffic will also increase and the average visitor rate is at least constant.


18.Active in Several Forums.

Forums are also very useful for adding more visitors to your blog. Discussion forum sites are very often used by internet marketers to increase traffic. My friends also try to discuss on several forum sites so that your website visitor traffic increases.

Some of the sites I recommend are such as bersocial.com ,usaha.co, Forum.kompas.com, kaskus.co.id. And there are many more, but still maintain your ethics when discussing in discussion forums so that the traffic of your blog visitors increases.


Maybe that's all that can share this time .. thank you for visiting and hopefully useful.


Tips to Register Google Adsense quickly accepted in 2021

You can get additional income easily via the internet. One of them is by creating Google AdSense. You may have read, heard, or seen a Blogger or YouTuber with stages even tens of millions thanks to AdSense. It is true. You can also get the same stage using Google AdSense.

Well, here are some tips so that the Google Adsense List is accepted quickly:

1. Age over 18 years or already have an identity card

Google AdSense only accepts new publishers who are over 18 years old. So if you are not old enough, the solution can be to use data from the names of siblings, siblings or parents who have met. This will later be associated with the account and sending the AdSense account pin code for activation. For payment problems so far there are no problems, you can enter another bank account, it doesn't have to match the identity of the AdSense account.

2. Pay attention to the age of your website or blog

The age of the website also needs to be considered, don't rush to register a new AdSense account. You must wait at least 1 month before being registered with AdSense. But there are those who suggest that after 6 months it is ideal to register for AdSense and the chances of being received are greater.

3. Make sure you only have 1 Adsense account

The policies of Google AdSense for each AdSense publisher can only have one AdSense account. From one AdSense account you can add multiple websites to install AdSense ads. The solution is for those who wish to have an account in more than one way by borrowing the identity of a brother, sister or parent. If you get caught, your AdSense account will usually be banned directly from Google because it is considered to violate the rules.

4. Use a lightweight template

The template is an important point of the appearance of a blog, where it will be one of the attractions to visitors. And I suggest, look for a template that is really good, simple, not heavy when loading and easy to navigate by visitors.

5. Create an About, Contact and Privacy Policy page

If you want to be accepted by AdSense, you must include the About, Contact, and Privacy Police page on your website or blog. these rules have also been stated in Google AdSense policies.

6. Ensure Easy & Clear Navigation

Navigation is an important part of the website. Navigation really determines visitor comfort. The easier and clearer the navigation of a website or blog, the better the user experience it will provide. Navigation can also be a major factor for users when interacting with your website. There are at least three things you need to consider regarding navigation, namely readability, organization, and function.

7. Create Interesting and Unique Content

No matter how good the website looks, if it doesn't have unique and interesting content, it's difficult to generate traffic. You can bring in loyal visitors using original and quality content. If visitors already like the content that you have created, they will usually tell or suggest your website when other people are looking for information related to the website. Of course this will help to continue to develop your content and website.

8. Already Have 10-15 Active Articles

One other important thing is the existence of articles or active content on the blog. At least 10-15 articles. The articles that you add on the website will become a Google Identity to classify the type of content that is suitable for your website or blog. In addition, quality articles will certainly be a positive indicator for Google to assess your website or blog.

9. Make sure a minimum of 100 visitors each day

Your website or blog must have at least 100 active visitors every day. However, this figure is still tentative. Even if you only have less than 100 active visitors every day, it could be that Google approves the AdSense account activation request that you submit.

10. Only Use Google AdSense Only

There are several advertising services besides Google AdSense. However, it would be best not to use anything else before AdSense has approved your account activation request.

11. Make regular posts during the review period

The last tip for registering for Google AdSense is to post articles every day during the AdSense review period. This method is proven to be effective and can easily be accepted by AdSense. Posting regularly shows that your website is worthy of working with the AdSense program. In addition there are other benefits about the importance of posting articles every day, one of which is the ranking of your website or blog to increase.



Here are the steps to register a website or blog with the latest Google Adsense 2021

Here are the steps to remember a website or blog for the latest Google Adsense 2021

1. Open the Google AdSense website first at https://www.Google.com/AdSense/

2. Please select the 'Register Now' menu.

3. After that you will be faced with a registration dashboard, you will be asked to enter your website address, email address and approval for the AdSense info notification.

4. In the 'Your Site' section, please enter the address of the Website or Blog that you will register with Google AdSense.

5. In the email address, please enter the email address that you will register for AdSense.

6. Next, on the useful AdSense info, please select 'Yes' to get submissions of help and performance suggestions tailored to the next development of AdSense.

7. If so, you will be transferred to the next dashboard, the profile that appears above is the email you entered at the beginning of registration.

8. Then select your country or region, please select a country.

9. In the option 'Review and Accept Our Terms and Conditions', please read until it's finished. If it's finished and understand, please tick 'Yes, I have read' and please select 'Create Account'.

10. If successful you will enter the AdSense dashboard, you will be asked to complete a "Payment address detail" and "Payment Profile". Fill in the data according to your current location, especially the address, try to write the complete one because later it will make it easier to send the AdSense activation PIN if it reaches $ 10.

11. You will be asked to place the AdSense ad code on your website. The location of the ad code script is placed under <head> and </head>, if it is installed please select 'Done'.

12. The AdSense registration process has arrived here, you just have to wait for the review process to complete.


The trick to get 4000 broadcast hours for beginner YouTubers

Given the latest YouTube rules to be monetized, a person must reach the minimum target of 4000 broadcast hours and 1000 subscribers. Because this makes us become a YouTuber, it is difficult, easy, easy for someone who is already famous, like meaning or other public figures.

Someone who has high creativity may be someone who is not too difficult but not as easy as a celebrity.

Just like myself who is not too creative, being a YouTuber is not easy, it takes perseverance and a lot of struggle, all because of the latest rules from YouTube with 1000 subscribers and 4000 broadcast hours.

But now there are applications that can make it easier for us to get 4000 broadcast hours. For friends or anyone who is currently struggling to become a YouTuber, please try the 4K application. to download it please click the link below.

But before downloading, I hope that YouTuber friends can support my Channel, and don't forget to Like, Comment, and Share my videos on your social media accounts.

Download Apk: Click Here


Perfect Trick for Beginner YouTubers, Free Youtube Video Promotion

Youtube is currently a platform that is widely consumed by people today. What's more, anyone can produce content there. Interestingly, we can get money from there, the problem is of course as a content creator on Youtube, interesting content is not enough. We must strive to make our content watched by many people.

Viewers are very important for a YouTuber, especially beginners. Unfortunately, increasing YouTube views is not as easy as imagined. No matter how good the content is, it doesn't mean that your YouTube views are the number you want.

If you know a few tricks, the effort you put in may not be in vain. The reason is, Youtube is currently the second largest search engine after Google, and Youtube belongs to Google. So the opportunity is there!

Here's a surefire trick so that the video you make quickly gets viwer.

1. Install the Application Here

2. Register

3. Copy the video link that you want to promote

4. Paste in the column provided

5. Determine the target duration that you want to achieve, provided that your points are sufficient for a certain target duration for viewing.

Good luck


10 things that Google Adsense publishers should not do

Google Adsense is a very effective marketing strategy issued by the search engine giant, Google. Currently, millions of people on the internet have volunteered to become Google marketers by becoming Google Adsense publishers. The Google Adsense-style marketing strategy is indeed beneficial for both parties, both Google and its publishers, besides that it also benefits companies that use Google services to activate their advertisements (advertisers). The advantages offered by Google are very tempting, many publishers get commissions from Google up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month.


But on the contrary, there are also many publishers who have not been successful even though they have tried their best to increase revenues from Google Adsense. Many also try to do various forbidden tricks (cheats) to get the maximum benefit. Watch Out!! Consider if you want to use a cheat, because it may not be the benefit you get but instead you will be banned from Google membership. Google has a clever mechanism for detecting fraud.


Then what are the cheats that should not be done in Adsense? The following is the list, hopefully it can be additional knowledge for you, Google Adsense publishers so you don't try to do it.


1. Don't Build Your Web Site for Adsense


The first thing you shouldn't do is build a site for Adsense only. Remember, that the site is not visited by Adsense, but is visited by people. So, don't think the important thing is that Adsense can appear, the position is well regulated, even installed in all parts of the site. As a result, your site will not be visited by anyone, and certainly no one will click on your adsense (except for yourself of course).


Design and build your site to make it people-friendly or visitor-friendly, then optimize it to make it adsense-friendly. Make something that attracts many visitors to your site, write interesting content, provide the best service for visitors. Quality content, attractive services will make visitors feel comfortable on your site. Visitor convenience will significantly increase the number of visitors. With a large number of visitors, the possibility of people clicking on your Adsense is also more.


2. Don't Hide Your Ads


It does sound strange. But there are also people who try to trick visitors by hiding the text in the ad so that only the link is shown. You do this by making the text color the same as the background color, then placing it on the menu or blogroll, so that it looks as if it is a link to a friend / blogroll site. If you do this, then Google can disable your Adsense account.


3. Don't Use ClickBots


ClickBot is a program or application that will automatically click on Google ads on a page. These programs are widely available on the internet, and are usually not very expensive either. Try this program to increase your Adsense income, then Google will immediately kick you out of Google Adsense membership because you are detected with click-fraud.


4. Don't Cut Corners


For the sake of displaying Adsense, don't sacrifice visitor convenience by removing certain parts of the website both from its design and content. Also, don't try to reproduce your posts by always copying and pasting from other sites. Provide information as clearly as possible to visitors and provide everything needed by visitors.


5. Don't Change the AdSense Code


There have been many examples of people cheating on Adsense by manually changing some of the Adsense code. For example, changing the language (language) so that it can display a certain language. Most of them found their Adsense account banned by Google. So reconsider if you are going to do it.


6. Don't Click Your Own Ads


Maybe you think that to increase Google Adsense revenue, why don't you just click the ad yourself. Google is not a "stupid" company. Google has a detection mechanism for this (often called fraud detection). We don't know exactly how Google does it, but Google can record our IP address and can analyze user access patterns (user behavior). And one more thing, Google will certainly feel suspicious if it turns out that the add-impression (how many times the ad is shown) is small but the number of clicks is a lot.


7. Don't Pay Others to Click Your Ads


This trick is also more or less the same as the trick of holding a contest above. Our income may increase, but the risk is quite high. We also have to share income with others.


8. Don't Get Banned for Taboo Content


Taboo Content can indeed attract visitors on the internet, but it is forbidden. Why did Google ban it? The reason is simple, Google wants to protect its image (not an image, but a good name) in the eyes of world internet users. Some of the Taboo Content that Google avoids includes pornography, illegal drugs, drugs, cigarettes, illegal weapons and so on.


9. Don't Use Any Underhanded Methods


Do not use other fraudulent methods such as displaying duplicate-content, hidden-text, and so on. Cheating methods that violate Google's rules will be detrimental to us. The income that has been earned can be lost in an instant because your account is disabled by Google.


10. Don't Hold Clicking Contest


All kinds of ways people reap the most benefits from Google Adsense. One of them is by holding an ad click contest. Visitors are asked to click on certain ads and will get a commission from the site owner. Be careful, if caught by Google then your account can be banned immediately.


Those are some things that should not be done when we want to reap the benefits of Google Adsense. Hope this post was helpful.


Types and How Ads Work on YouTube

Ad revenue is a great source of revenue for creators. Think about how to create a video that resonates with viewers and is suitable for advertisers.

There are 3 important factors in the YouTube monetization system:




From the viewer's point of view, YouTube wants Youtube to be the best place to enjoy entertaining content.

From a creator's point of view, YouTube hopes that YouTube can become the optimal platform, where creators can create content that viewers love and make sustainable money from the content they upload.

From an advertiser's perspective, YouTube wants to provide a safe environment to reach their target audience precisely with measurable precision.

These three players complement each other.

Content creators build audiences

Advertisers buy ads to reach audiences, and

Viewers watch videos with relevant ads, then

Paid content creators.

After joining the YouTube Partner Program, you can monetize your videos by activating ads from YouTube Studio and start making money.

It is highly recommended that you select all ad formats as your default upload so that you can maximize the types of ads served.

However, make sure that the videos selected to show ads comply with advertiser-friendly guidelines.

Advertiser-friendly content is generally suitable for large audiences and does not contain sensitive topics, such as content that is sexually suggestive, drugs, or speech that encourages hate speech.

Those are just some, there are many more examples of content that are not suitable for advertisers.

Content aimed at an older audience can still make money on YouTube, but there may not be as many ads showing.

The ads that appear on your videos will be automatically selected based on a variety of factors, including:


Video metadata

Is the video suitable for advertisers

Ad type

Here are the various types of ads that can appear on your video, including:

1. Display ads

Display ads appear to the right of the video and above the list of suggested videos (recommended videos).

2. Ad overlays

Overlay ads are semi-transparent ads that appear in the bottom 20% of the video.

3. Bumper ads

Bumper ads are non-skippable, are 6 seconds or less and must be watched before the video is live.

4. Skippable advertisements

Skippable ads are skippable video ads and usually appear between video views.

5. Non-skippable advertising

Non-skippable ads are non-skippable video ads and usually appear between video views.

6. Sponsor card advertisements

Sponsor card, which displays content ads relevant to the video.

7. Mid-roll advertising

Mid-roll ads are ads that are served on long-form content, videos that are at least 8 minutes long.


How To Find Low Competition Keywords With High Traffic 2021

How To Find Low Competition Keywords, this is a question that is like digging a mountain for new bloggers and this question is always a headache for them, because they don’t know “how to find low competition words“.

So, I am here to help you and tell you the techniques that will help you to easily find low competition words with high traffic.

In the beginning, If you get a strong grip on keyword researching, the time will come soon when your blog will be added to the list of popular bloggers.

So if you want to become a professional blogger, you have to focus on the keyword research with high priority in the beginning and if you strengthen your grip on keyword research, you will become a successful blogger and it will be very difficult for anyone to defeat you.

So let’s get started, and let me tell you how you can easily find keywords and How to find low competition keywords with high traffic and How to find profitable keywords with low competition.

What are Keywords?​

Keywords are an ideas and topics that define what your website content is about.

As per SEO terms, they are the words and phrases that internet searchers enter into search engines, it also called “search queries.”

If you are website owner and content creator, you need the keywords on your posts and pages to be relevant to what users are searching for, so they have a better chance of finding your website content, posts and pages among the results.

Suppose you have a website about Mobile Phones: you sell all sorts and types of Mobile Phones.

Your blog about what to look at when buying a Mobile Phone and you share reviews about the mobile phones you offer on your online shop.


Why are keywords important?​​

One of the important things Google looks at when ranking a page is the content on that website page’s. Google looks at the words on the website page.

Now imagine this, if every word on a blog post about a Samsung Mobile is used 2 times, then all words are of equal importance. Google will have no clue which of these words are important and which are not.

The words you are using in content are clues for Google, it instructs Google and other search engines what the page or post is about.

So if you want to make Google and other search engines to understand what your page and post is about, you need to use it fairly often.

Keywords are very important because your website can show-up when people type related keywords into search engines.

If you find the keywords with low competition and write good content on them, then your post will definitely rank in top pages  and you will get thousands of traffic every month and when the traffic is good then you will get a lot of money.


How To Find Low Competition Keywords?

Most people have some keyword ideas in their mind and they want to rank their website in Google top searched.

But it is impossible to know everything that people are looking for. That’s why it pays to do some research to find more related keyword ideas.

There are many ways to find keywords, but the easiest method is to use a keyword research tool.

Most of these keywords research tools work in the same way. You just need to enter a few broad keywords related to your niche called seed keywords, and the research tool kicks back some related keyword ideas.

For example, say that you sell mobile phones online. Your seed keywords might be “mobile,” “smart phone,” “android mobiles,” and “iPhone.”

Now the question is how we can find these keywords with low competition and easy to rank, because if we use high competition keywords we will never be able to rank our website.


There are many paid tools available on the internet to find keywords, in which “Ahref | Semrush | MOZ | Longtail Pro” are more popular, but here we will use free tools because not everyone can afford to buy paid tools.


1.     KEYWORD.io

The step is get more keywords idea related your relevant keyword. Whenever you think of writing an article, you must have some keywords in your mind related to it.

Now we will use “KEYWORD.io” to extract and get more keywords ideas related to our keywords.

For example, I am using keyword “How to find low competition keywords” here.

So, open Keyword.io and type your relevant keyword and click on search button.

As soon as you click on the search button, you will get many keywords ideas related to your keyword.

After finding the suggested keywords, choose some best keywords from the list whatever you like.

After selecting the best and your favourite keywords, select all of them, right click on them and copy all these keywords.


2.     SAMScoop

To do this, we will use SEMScoop Free SEO Tool. Open semscoop keyword tool and click on Import Keywords button.

Paste all selected keywords here and click on Import Keywords button. In SEMScoop you can analyse 70 keywords at a time.

New at the result you can see my selected keyword “How To Find Low Competition Keywords” has 390 average monthly searches, $5.15 CPC rate.

As per this metrics, If only 50 people out of 390 people come to our website, we can make a good income from this keyword because it’s CPC is enough high.

The biggest advantage of using SEMScoop is that it gives us an idea of how many words we can write content to reach the top pages.


According to my keyword, if I write content of 2258 or more words then my content can be ranked in the top search pages.


Now if you want to see which websites are currently ranked on on our relevant keyword, scroll down the page and you can see top ranked websites here.


3.     Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free SEO and keyword research tool developed by Neil Patel.


Open Ubersuggest and type keyword in search bar and you will get a result.


Every SEO tool provide results according to its own information and data and according to Ubersuggest, our selected keyword “How To Find Low Competition Keywords” has a 50 monthly searches with 11 SEO difficulty, 18 Paid difficulty and CPC rate is $17.20.

This is completely different from SAMScoop, but one thing to keep in mind is that we can only guess from these tools whether we can do work on our relevant keyword or not.


4.     Google keyword Planner

Let me tell you again that the results of the two tools we used above were different but Keyword Difficulty and Competition were similar of both tools.

In fact, the purpose of using these tools is to assess the keyword difficulty and competition ratio.


Basically these paid tools are used for the only to guess the difficulty and competition of keywords, but if you want to get the exact measure of search traffic and CPC then always use Google keyword Planner.

Because everyone uses Google search engine for their searches and all sources come from Google Search, So when all the sources come from Google, then Google keyword planner also tells us the correct estimate of traffic.


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