10 things that Google Adsense publishers should not do

Google Adsense is a very effective marketing strategy issued by the search engine giant, Google. Currently, millions of people on the internet have volunteered to become Google marketers by becoming Google Adsense publishers. The Google Adsense-style marketing strategy is indeed beneficial for both parties, both Google and its publishers, besides that it also benefits companies that use Google services to activate their advertisements (advertisers). The advantages offered by Google are very tempting, many publishers get commissions from Google up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month.


But on the contrary, there are also many publishers who have not been successful even though they have tried their best to increase revenues from Google Adsense. Many also try to do various forbidden tricks (cheats) to get the maximum benefit. Watch Out!! Consider if you want to use a cheat, because it may not be the benefit you get but instead you will be banned from Google membership. Google has a clever mechanism for detecting fraud.


Then what are the cheats that should not be done in Adsense? The following is the list, hopefully it can be additional knowledge for you, Google Adsense publishers so you don't try to do it.


1. Don't Build Your Web Site for Adsense


The first thing you shouldn't do is build a site for Adsense only. Remember, that the site is not visited by Adsense, but is visited by people. So, don't think the important thing is that Adsense can appear, the position is well regulated, even installed in all parts of the site. As a result, your site will not be visited by anyone, and certainly no one will click on your adsense (except for yourself of course).


Design and build your site to make it people-friendly or visitor-friendly, then optimize it to make it adsense-friendly. Make something that attracts many visitors to your site, write interesting content, provide the best service for visitors. Quality content, attractive services will make visitors feel comfortable on your site. Visitor convenience will significantly increase the number of visitors. With a large number of visitors, the possibility of people clicking on your Adsense is also more.


2. Don't Hide Your Ads


It does sound strange. But there are also people who try to trick visitors by hiding the text in the ad so that only the link is shown. You do this by making the text color the same as the background color, then placing it on the menu or blogroll, so that it looks as if it is a link to a friend / blogroll site. If you do this, then Google can disable your Adsense account.


3. Don't Use ClickBots


ClickBot is a program or application that will automatically click on Google ads on a page. These programs are widely available on the internet, and are usually not very expensive either. Try this program to increase your Adsense income, then Google will immediately kick you out of Google Adsense membership because you are detected with click-fraud.


4. Don't Cut Corners


For the sake of displaying Adsense, don't sacrifice visitor convenience by removing certain parts of the website both from its design and content. Also, don't try to reproduce your posts by always copying and pasting from other sites. Provide information as clearly as possible to visitors and provide everything needed by visitors.


5. Don't Change the AdSense Code


There have been many examples of people cheating on Adsense by manually changing some of the Adsense code. For example, changing the language (language) so that it can display a certain language. Most of them found their Adsense account banned by Google. So reconsider if you are going to do it.


6. Don't Click Your Own Ads


Maybe you think that to increase Google Adsense revenue, why don't you just click the ad yourself. Google is not a "stupid" company. Google has a detection mechanism for this (often called fraud detection). We don't know exactly how Google does it, but Google can record our IP address and can analyze user access patterns (user behavior). And one more thing, Google will certainly feel suspicious if it turns out that the add-impression (how many times the ad is shown) is small but the number of clicks is a lot.


7. Don't Pay Others to Click Your Ads


This trick is also more or less the same as the trick of holding a contest above. Our income may increase, but the risk is quite high. We also have to share income with others.


8. Don't Get Banned for Taboo Content


Taboo Content can indeed attract visitors on the internet, but it is forbidden. Why did Google ban it? The reason is simple, Google wants to protect its image (not an image, but a good name) in the eyes of world internet users. Some of the Taboo Content that Google avoids includes pornography, illegal drugs, drugs, cigarettes, illegal weapons and so on.


9. Don't Use Any Underhanded Methods


Do not use other fraudulent methods such as displaying duplicate-content, hidden-text, and so on. Cheating methods that violate Google's rules will be detrimental to us. The income that has been earned can be lost in an instant because your account is disabled by Google.


10. Don't Hold Clicking Contest


All kinds of ways people reap the most benefits from Google Adsense. One of them is by holding an ad click contest. Visitors are asked to click on certain ads and will get a commission from the site owner. Be careful, if caught by Google then your account can be banned immediately.


Those are some things that should not be done when we want to reap the benefits of Google Adsense. Hope this post was helpful.


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